Author: Tom

  • Ruby file encoding determination with EncodingSampler gem

    Is there a good automatic way to determine file encoding? If you have had to deal with importing user data from text files, you’ll know a couple things about character encodings: Using the wrong encoding to interpret the file is disastrous.  Once you start to notice this, you’ll see it all over the web. Users have no…

  • RVM or rbenv or ???

    You’d miss all the interesting and informative discussion, but if you like, you can skip to the answer. Long story but I recently switched my primary Rails 3 development platform from Aptana Studio 3 to Sublime Text 2.  And this is how it goes with Rails development… you want to change editors, and a key capability…

  • Foreword

    OK, I admit it.  This is not exactly about climbing or cooking or software, but why… Roll No Rocks ?? First, the explanation of  “rollnorocks.”  A couple years ago I climbed Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The summit is the size of a soccer field, so there’s a sign that points the way back…